Lessons for life.

You get one life - what’s the best way to live it?

Recent life events have given Ben cause to reflect, especially on his daughters’ futures.

Are they set up for life as best as possible if the worst were to happen? Not just financially or materialistically - but emotionally and armed with the knowledge you need in order to navigate the world.

Why wait a lifetime to learn a lesson you coUld learn now?

Ben’s career has brought him into contact with some brilliant people - both notable celebrities and personal friends and family who lead extraordinary lives in some way.

Each has unique experiences to share, leading to genuinely insightful, everyday lessons which can have a positive impact on the lives of others. Inspired by Michael Caine’s “Use The Difficulty” mantra, this series is not about elite performance, it’s about everyday philosophies and ways to live that matter at all stages of your life. It’s about optimism and happiness.

Imagination. Inspiration.

Sharing the ethos and talent of world-class production company, Stamp Productions - each episode of ‘One Thing I Learned’ should leave the listener with something inspirational, or that sparks their imagination.

Each episode is a useful, tangible and informing lesson for Ben’s daughters, contributing towards a chest of guidance for them to hold dear and take forward with them in life. Perhaps the lessons can be of use to you too.

"Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself."Eleanor Roosevelt


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